Helmets for mountaineering, climbing and other sports

Mountaineering helmets

Helmets ski mountaineering

Helmets alpine ski

Helmets water sports

Helmet skydiving

Helmets for sport and adventure

When practicing sports, helmets are essential: the equipment we wear while practicing sports and other activities is crucial for preventing injuries.

Helmets for sports and activities such as mountaineering, alpine skiing, water sports, skydiving, skiing, snowboarding, free flight, mountain biking, and horseback riding, for professionals and amateurs alike, must be certified, fit well, and worn consistently and correctly.

Our models are certified according to the type of activity they are designed for:

  • EN 12492 for mountaineering helmets
  • EN 1077 (class A or B) for skiing, snowboarding, free-ride
  • EN 1385 for water sports helmets
  • EN966 for free-flight helmets

Some have also obtained specific certifications

  • UIAA for mountaineering helmets

We have a wide range of extra accessories for your helmet for sports use and many spare parts, which can be easily replaced.